
We are receiving a lot of enquiries about tree related issues at the moment. We are working hard to respond to these enquiries and to prioritise safety related issues. Because of this it may take us slightly longer to respond to enquires than our normal 28-day response time and if tree works are needed these may take up to 3 months.

Find out more about what we look after.

Problems we don't manage

You need to contact:

Report the following Issues online 24/7

You can report non-urgent issues online of the following types:


Scan a QR Code to report easily!

There are around:

  • 123,000 street lights
  • 30,000 lit signs and bollards

under our control.

We're currently converting many of our street lights to energy-efficient Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology. Read more about our LED street lighting project.

As part of this programme, we are adding QR Codes to the side of posts so that you can scan these to report an issue more easily. Scan the example here to give it a try!